colour felt-tip pen
Download and print the template, then colour all three parts of the crown.
Glue onto a piece of cardboard and wait for it to dry.
Cut out the pieces.
Pin the crown together so that it fits on your head.
Decorate with beads or sequins if you like.
a small plastic bottle
2 colours tissuepaper, thin wrapping paper or crepe paper
a handful of dry beans, lentils, or gravel
1 roll of toilet paper or cardboard
colour paper
hobby glue
Every Purim, the Book of Esther is read. Every time the name of the evil Haman is spoken, there must be such a loud noise and thumping that it is impossible to understand what is being said. Make your own instrument for this!
Cut off the top and bottom of the pet bottle at the dotted line marked in the diagram.
Place the top of the bottle on top of the bottom, if it doesn't fit well, you can cut a little off one of the two.
Use cellux to glue the two halves of the bottle together, firmly.
Put in enough beans, lentils or pebbles to reach at least halfway to the bottom of the bottle, then screw the cap on tightly.
Make a pompom out of crepe paper or napkins:
a. cut 5 15x15 cm squares from the paper and stack the pieces
b. fold the whole in half and cut along the side opposite the fold, about half a centimetre at a time.
c. Fold twice to make a "flower".
Choose a different color of crepe paper or napkin and starting at the bottom of the bottle, wrap the bottle, glue it to the bottle with hobby glue so that it follows the shape all the way around, then wait for it to dry.
Glue beads or shapes cut out of coloured paper onto it as decoration.
Cut the toilet paper roll lengthwise in one place, then wrap it around the bottle cap and glue it with cellophane to prevent it from unravelling.
Take the cylinder off, line it with coloured paper and stick it on.
Put some hobby glue on the bottle cap and fit the cylinder on top, this will be the handle of the instrument.
Glue the pompom to the top of the toy (the bottom of the bottle) and you're done. Once the glue dries, you can try it out.